Assign desktops to monitors?

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Assign desktops to monitors?

Postby ugachmaaz » 27.10.2014 18:41:35

Hi folks,

I have connected two monitors to my laptop.. So in effect, I have three monitors including the laptop screen.

I am wondering if I can assign different desktops to different monitors. i.e. Monitor 1 automatically displays Desktop 1 and Monitor 2 displays desktop 2.

This would help when I switch, say, from Desktop 1 to Desktop 2, the active work area merely switches from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2, leaving the Desktop 1 displayed on Monitor 1. This feature would be of huge help when reading in one window (on desktop 1) while writing in another window (on desktop 2).

Is this possible?


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Re: Assign desktops to monitors?

Postby Patrick » 27.10.2014 19:18:13


No, it's not possible to assign desktops to monitors like that. What comes closest and might be useful in the situation you've described, is the ability to completely exclude a certain monitor from desktop switching: Settings > Switching Desktops > Monitors.

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