Loop desktops?

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Loop desktops?

Postby ingenious » 25.08.2011 14:10:14

Dexpot is simply awesome! The only thing I'm missing is the option to loop desktops - when I reach the rightmost desktop, it would be nice if I can go to the leftmost by triggering the "go to right desktop" command. This way I can use only one hotkey to navigate my desktops. Thanks a bunch!!

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Re: Loop desktops?

Postby Patrick » 25.08.2011 15:21:44


The built-in "Next desktop" and "Previous desktop" switch desktop hotkeys do wrap around like this already. Are you talking about the Dexgrid plugin?

Person guy

Re: Loop desktops?

Postby Person guy » 25.02.2014 16:20:55

It works with the hotkeys, but not when dragging windows. I only have 2 desktops, so it throws me off pretty badly when i forget which one im on. When im in desktop 2, dragging a window to the right doesnt do anything. Is there an option im missing?

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Re: Loop desktops?

Postby Patrick » 25.02.2014 16:47:38

Go to "Settings > Plugins and Extras" and start the "Dexgrid" plugin. Then click on "Configure" and enable the option "Wrap around". You can then disable the plugin again.

Person guy

Re: Loop desktops?

Postby Person guy » 25.02.2014 16:51:01

Holy cow you are amazing. I dont think ive ever had someone reply with a solution that quickly. Thank you! That has been buggin me all day. I was trying to setup my desktops with Rainmeter and Dexpot, and that was the only issue i was having. :D

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