More Commandline Controls

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Joined: 01.10.2010 15:14:17

More Commandline Controls

Postby Acegi » 17.12.2011 16:21:12

This is a request for more commandline controls. In particular the ability to switch to the specific Desktop that contains the desired window/application or alternate between the desktops that contain more than 1 of the chosen window/application. Another commandline control could be moving specific windows to a particular desktop. In theory all the hotkey-able controls could be converted to command line. Desktop rules are a good feature but they lack the decisiveness that users might need since they are only rules that remain constant.

You may ask why would a command line be necessary if there are already hotkeys for it. The idea behind using command lines is so that you can control Dexpot more precisely. There are only a limited number of hotkey combinations (when you consider other applications) so more command line controls also alleviates this handicap. More command line controls also lets other 3rd party programs handle Dexpot better such as voice activation or mouse gestures.

Thanks for your consideration.

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