Different Backgrounds cycle per Desktops

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Different Backgrounds cycle per Desktops

Postby Roberthx » 03.09.2012 12:19:09

Hello there I must say fantastic Virtual Desktop, tried many over the years but this is the best I have seen, well done.

Just wondering if it were possible to have different backgrounds that cycle through a folder and subfolder of images.

So each of the desktops would have the backgrounds cycle through but if the same image folder is used
they could all be in or out of sync so each desktop has a unique background.

A dropdown menu to select Change picture every
5, 10, 15, 30, 45,min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 hours, 1 day.
An option to shuffle images.
Sizing option should include Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile and Centre.
An option to sync or randomize backgrounds to different desktops.

Are you working on anything else such as making a dashboard for windows,
the gadgets are just cluttering up the desktop?
As well as Google App integration?
Thank you.

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Re: Different Backgrounds cycle per Desktops

Postby Sebastian » 03.09.2012 12:38:29


Roberthx wrote:Hello there I must say fantastic Virtual Desktop, tried many over the years but this is the best I have seen, well done.


Just wondering if it were possible to have different backgrounds that cycle through a folder and subfolder of images.


Are you working on anything else such as making a dashboard for windows,
the gadgets are just cluttering up the desktop?
As well as Google App integration?

Best regards (wave)
Sebastian Brands, Dexpot GbR


Re: Different Backgrounds cycle per Desktops

Postby Geez » 08.09.2012 12:44:29

Yeah, this certainly needs to be done.

But maybe how about changing the whole Windows 7 composition on different desktops? This way you can configure wallpaper changing in composition settings and you can choose different colors for taskbar. It would be pretty awesome then.


Re: Different Backgrounds cycle per Desktops

Postby Guest » 22.09.2012 00:10:49

Wait, I actually found a solution to this! I created a folder with same name on each desktop, within each folder there are different wallpapers named in the same way (eg. wallpaper1.png, wallpaper2.png, etc.) and then using theme I'm changing them from the folder located on desktop. It totally works and is awesome. The only drawback is having folder with wallpapers on each desktop, but it's okay for me :)

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