Window Catalog/Fullscreen Preview Enhancements

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Window Catalog/Fullscreen Preview Enhancements

Postby afflicto » 22.09.2012 02:41:54

Hello there, Afflicto here again (wave) . So My previous post I messed up the terminology of Dexpot and I have a better idea of what I want Dexpot to do for me now anyway so here is another post.

Here's my keybindings:
WIN+T: Fullscreen Preview
WIN+R: Window Catalog

Problem 1:
Whenever I press win+r to open the window catalog, I often find myself dragging a window just to initialize the virtual dekstops on the left side. So I can effectively view everything at once.

Now, if I do win+t to open the Fullscreen Preview. I find myself doing "WIN+T" then "WIN+R" so I have a fullscreen preview of all virtual desktops and in each desktop I see their respective windows. I can now see much more and this gives me a quicker glance at where my stuff is.

Possible solutions:
1. While in a Fullscreen Preview, always show virtual desktops as window catalogs.
2. While in a window catalog, always show the other virtual desktops on the left.
These two solutions could be 2 boolean settings easily togglable on\off.

Problem 2:
Before using Dexpot, I used Switcher, which I'm sure many of you know of. It used to intelligently try to always maintain the same position of all windows in a grid when switching to make it easier to switch apps. This is not a big feature and I'm sure many would like to have this.

That's all I have for now.
Thanks in advance! :)

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Re: Window Catalog/Fullscreen Preview Enhancements

Postby Patrick » 22.09.2012 13:24:02


afflicto wrote:While in a Fullscreen Preview, always show virtual desktops as window catalogs.

There's already a hotkey for this: "Window Catalog (all desktops)"

Before using Dexpot, I used Switcher, which I'm sure many of you know of. It used to intelligently try to always maintain the same position of all windows in a grid when switching to make it easier to switch apps.

We'll consider it. Thanks for the suggestions! :ok:


Re: Window Catalog/Fullscreen Preview Enhancements

Postby enzomas » 13.02.2013 00:30:37

Talking about Bao's switcher, I miss the ability in Dexpot to get a subset of windows by typing a substring of their title.

The window catalog is an awesome feature with a mouse, but using a laptop with many many open windows, switching with keys would provide a great gain of speed.

For example : if I want to switch to thunderbird, triggering the catalog with my favorite key binding, then typing "thun" should show only this windows, then type <enter> to switch.

Nevertheless, congratulations to the team for this great piece of software !

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