[MouseEvents plugin] Add mouse wheel event on hot corners

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[MouseEvents plugin] Add mouse wheel event on hot corners

Postby hazelkid » 26.12.2012 20:15:31

Please add the option to select a mouse wheel event when using the hot corners with MouseEvents plugin. It's easier to move the wheel than middle-click. Thank you and Happy Holidays!!!

Jacob Carstens
Posts: 1
Joined: 11.02.2013 14:48:03

Re: [MouseEvents plugin] Add mouse wheel event on hot corner

Postby Jacob Carstens » 11.02.2013 14:57:07

Please also consider right click as a trigger and add the ability to assign different actions to different modifier / corner combinations.

I'd like top left corner + RMB to trigger one action and top right + MMB to trigger a related action.


Re: [MouseEvents plugin] Add mouse wheel event on hot corner

Postby Toms56 » 26.07.2014 16:53:47

Hello !

Or maybe would it be possible to add a hot corner while using the wheel to change desktop ? (I use to do that on Ubuntu).

This option could be added either in the shortcut parameters (changes by mouse) adding wheel as combination touch
or in the MouseEvents plugin adding hot corners as key of trigger.

Thanks for everything !


Re: [MouseEvents plugin] Add mouse wheel event on hot corner

Postby Toms56 » 26.07.2014 19:45:03

Actually hot corners and EDGES. I configured ubuntu (12.04) to place my mouse at top edge and scroll desktops with the wheel at right or left, and with left click it goes top desktop, right click : bottom desktop. But always positionning my mouse at top edge. Like that I can use only my mouse to scroll over desktops. It won't interfere if I want to scroll or zoom in/out an internet page for example. For me it makes things so easier since I use it.

But seeing that on Windows... I just discovered Dexpot today... Wow, that made my day, it rocks !! :D

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