Dual Monitor

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Dual Monitor

Postby javamann » 17.07.2009 20:08:51

Hello again,
I am using dual monitors and is there support planned for showing what is on the second monitor?



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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby sdhengsoft » 03.09.2009 09:19:32

Yep, I too use a dual monitor system at home and would like a feature to display the contents of the second display.

Good program. I have only just discovered it. I have been going through the use of Dexpot, DeskSpace and Virtual Desktop Manager. Dexpot may not have the 3D wiz-bang of DeskSpace, however it is much more configurable. Thanks.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby wiseoleweazel » 11.07.2010 15:17:28

Would it be possible to run 2 instances using the open as user tip in windows?. Assign an instance to each monitor with some multi monitor app and run them semi independantly?.

Alternatively is there any way it could be added to the settings asking how many monitors are installed ask to restart and open instances that way?

Just throwing idea's around

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby tecsi » 25.07.2010 21:32:16

I want to use Dexpot PRIMARILY for the 2nd monitor--that is where I put lots of post-it notes, gadgets, etc. but need to quickly flip between views. Currently, it is VERY tedious to get to different items--I probably have 15 post-its, 25 gadgets, and a few apps.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby sgtevmckay » 26.07.2010 18:52:06

This is kind of a "Holly Grail" Subject, and even with third party software/tools intervention, running a VDM on multiple Monitors has never been properly obtainable (IMHO).

Although combining a few of the discussions in this thread do bring up an intriguing possibility. :cool:

I can think of no software that can not be "Placed" to Monitor "X".
MS Word to Monitor 2
FireFox to Monitor 4
Thunderbird to Monitor 1
Rainmeter to Monitor 3
Pidgin to Monitor 3
and so on.....

In order to over come the hindrance of running any VDM on Multiple monitors; would it then not be possible to run multiple instances of Dexpot and then in options identify the monitor placement.
Dexpot instance on running on Monitor 1
Dexpot instance on running on Monitor 2
Dexpot instance on running on Monitor 2
Dexpot instance on running on Monitor 4

Now the disadvantage of this model is that a user will need to run multiple instances of Dexpot.
The instances will need to be monitored and settings maintained individually.
As Dexpot uses so little resources, I do not believe this to be an issue, with exception of systems that have very limited resources, or are so old as to limit their resources.

Another way to handle this, Possibly, is to have one settings dialog handle all running instances.
I take a note of concept from Objectdock+ on this.
In objectDock+ (I repel at the mention of the name) you can run multiple instances of Docks and Tab Docks. These are all managed by a single Settings/Options dialog. In which you must first Identify which instance you wish to modify first. Then make the appropriate changes.
All settings and options dialog immediately open to a manager that asks which instance you wish to modify/adjust.

Ultimately I think this is a consideration to make. as Running a VDM on Multiple Monitors has been a standard request for well over a decade. In as much that folks want to run VDM Desktop 1-4 on Monitor 1 and VDM Desktop 5-8 on Monitor 2 and so forth.
Personally I think that such an option would be utilized more for an "Eye Candy" effect rather than a system of production, but for the few that would utilize the this option to maximize their work load and real estate to maximum efficiency. Damn. All of a sudden you have a working area that can go from 5120x1024 to a working area of 20480x1024, and that is just at the Dexpot install default settings ;)
I suggest a serious look into this, not only for the end users, but also as a challenging issue that should be overcome, because you/we can.

I am not aware of all issues surrounding this request/subject, but only know that this issue has never been properly overcome.

Let me know your thoughts, and if I need to expand or clarify my concept better. Please advise.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Patrick » 27.07.2010 13:46:06


please try to forget this whole multiple instances idea. :wink:

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby sgtevmckay » 27.07.2010 20:54:20

That Bad????

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Patrick » 27.07.2010 23:17:07

It would lead to a load of problems that would be more work to overcome than just implementing proper multi monitor support in a single instance.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby sgtevmckay » 27.07.2010 23:38:42

Okie doek; I am :ruhehier:

Krusty Ruffle

Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Krusty Ruffle » 01.08.2010 09:04:40

I don't care about independent monitor settings or control, I would just like for all monitors to show in previews and have the transition effects when switching desktops. This is an area that Windows has always been severely crippled. Virtual desktops are a very handy thing to have and this program looks awesome for a person with only one monitor, however, it is quite jarring to have only one monitor seem to respond even though both actually switch.

I suppose I've probably just been spoiled by things that have come standard in Linux for years but I think I'm going to have to keep looking... It's sad too, since this program does so much more that I could use. I will keep my eyes on this though, just in case support ever comes.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Patrick » 02.08.2010 14:10:41

Krusty Ruffle wrote:I would just like for all monitors to show in previews and have the transition effects when switching desktops.

Already scheduled for 1.6.


Re: Dual Monitor

Postby mediaman » 23.09.2010 23:31:30

I was wondering if it would be possible to set it so one monitor wouldn't switch. So that if one was working on something that we would like one screen to stay the same program it could while the other screen rotates.

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Patrick » 24.09.2010 22:42:38

This will be possible in the next major version (aka "already scheduled for 1.6").

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby mediaman » 25.09.2010 02:33:13

Ok thanks


Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Skepticus » 03.08.2011 21:09:14

I just want to use one desktop per monitor. Assign Desktop 1 to primary monitor and Desktop 2 to secondary, 3 to tertiary. etc..

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Sebastian » 03.08.2011 21:40:25


what's the purpose of virtual desktops then?
Best regards (wave)
Sebastian Brands, Dexpot GbR

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Re: Dual Monitor

Postby Marrond » 29.11.2011 21:02:48

At the beggining I would like to apologize for my english. I will do my best so you can understand what I want to explain. Here we go:

I will dig out this topic and if I do wrong I apologize - I just came here by google search.

Sebastian wrote::dex:,

what's the purpose of virtual desktops then?

Well Virtual Desktops are used to better manage your workflow right?

And the purpose - let me explain you why I would need such thing. I have 4:3 17'' 1280x1024 for everyday use, 22'' 16:10 1900x1200 for work (graphics, photography, digital art) which is off when I doesn't work and 40'' 16:9 1920x1080 which I use to relax playing game which is mainly off too. Now manualy switching screens or use them all at once with ATI Eyefinity feature gives me nothing but a pain in my ass and results are quite bad. I wish I could just create 2 completely diffrent virtual desktops aside from my main one. One with all graphics stuff with difrrent resolution, wallpaper and assigned applications, and another one strictly for gaming with another resolution, etc. Cherry on the cake would be if all those desktops would switch automatically depends which screen I turn on or off.

The question is why do you think virtual desktops are made to use just on single screen? Dexpot is trully awesome piece of artwork comparing to other software similar solutions and I'm going to get it in a few days (as my visa limits resets at the beggining of each month) but this is the feature I am looking for. I know noone did this yet but I encourage you to atleast try - it will be absolutely killer feature but adressed for very, very tight target.

Best regards

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