AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

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AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby amelion » 30.06.2012 23:31:57

Hi, I have a problem with setting up keyboard shortcuts in AutoHotkey for Dexpot.

Shortcuts set in AutoHotkey for actions "Window catalog" and "Full-screen preview" work as expected.

But I can't seem to set a shortcut for "Window catalog (Active application)".

I have set it up like this:
1. In Dexpot: Win + F7 invokes "Window catalog (Active application)"
2. In AutoHotkey: Caps Lock + A sends Win + F7
3. Doesn't work, shows a black screen instead of the apps

So, this doesn't work:

CapsLock & A::send {LWin down} + {F7} + {LWin up} ; Should call "Window catalog (Active application)"

But interestingly these two do:

CapsLock & D::send {LWin down} + {F4} + {LWin up} ; Calls "Full-screen preview"
CapsLock & W::send {LWin down} + {F2} + {LWin up} ; Calls "Window catalog"

So setting up shortcuts like this works for "Window catalog" and "Full-screen preview", but not for "Window catalog (Active application)".

Please try to reproduce this, I believe that it's a bug with Dexpot.



Re: AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby amelion » 30.06.2012 23:35:28

Just to make it clear:

Win + F7 does work, but Caps Lock + A which calls Win + F7 doesn't.

Caps Lock + D which calls Win + F4 and
Caps Lock + W which calls Win + F2
do work.

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Re: AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby Patrick » 01.07.2012 14:35:40


The problem is reproducible, but I don't think it's a Dexpot bug. When Dexpot receives the hotkey sent by the AutoHotkey script, for some reason the active application has switched to dwm.exe.

If you're using DexControl, try this:

Code: Select all

CapsLock & A::
WinGet, pid, PID, A
Run "C:\Program Files\Dexpot\plugins\DexControl.exe" 32769 0 %pid%

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Re: AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby amessyroom » 06.07.2012 19:44:13

Could autohotkey cause same issue for dextask switcher?

I installed texter (lifehacker autohotkey utility) , but have tried to disable and exit it -- to get it out of the way.

When I press control-space. I just get a flashed window, and cannot select any of the active tasks?

I love dexcontrol; but I try not to use the mouse as much -- so I use ctrl/space to get to tasks a lot of time to avoid using the mouse.

Had carpal tunnel surgery earlier in the year :-( But doing much better after it :-)

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Re: AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby Patrick » 06.07.2012 19:58:27

amessyroom wrote:When I press control-space. I just get a flashed window, and cannot select any of the active tasks?

What's a flashed window? Do you keep the Ctrl key pressed after releasing the space bar?

I love dexcontrol; but I try not to use the mouse as much -- so I use ctrl/space to get to tasks a lot of time to avoid using the mouse.

DexControl now has keyboard controls as well:

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Re: AutoHotkey and Active Application Window Catalog

Postby amessyroom » 07.07.2012 00:00:23

Yes. I keep the control key down, after releasing the spacebar.

It is working properly now. It started working after a few mins of existing texter. But I restarted texter to see if it would break, and it hasn't yet.

So it must be a conflict that is generated, by keystroke or something.

Flashed window : When you press control space dextask shows the tasks in a "window". That window was flashing, but would not stay "still" so task could be selected while control was held after pressing space.

I tried redefining the function to windows key num 0 (on keypad), and had similar issues.

I'll keep watching it. I'm beginning to think, that something must occur maybe between texter (compiled autohotkey macro) and dexpot in monitoring the keyboard.

I'll check out the keyboard functions in dexcontrol also.

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