Circle Dock integration

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Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 13.06.2010 12:50:23

From my perspective, as Circle Dock's principal developer, I am quite happy to have any interaction between Circle Dock and Dexpot in the form of Windows messages. Whilst it's a little more work for me, the end result will be far quicker and smoother.

Let's take a simple example, switching Dexpot's active desktop. The Sarge envisages a Dock Item whose target would be the Dexpot executable with the command line parameter "-w 1" (in the case of switching to the first desktop). This actually gives Circle Dock - and Windows - quite some processing to do as Circle Dock has to create and fill a new process structure and then tell Windows to start the process. It also requires more processing on Dexpot's part than is truly necessary.

This is how I envisage Circle Dock handling this. Circle Dock would check for a Registry entry (that Dexpot sets when it is loaded and running) and if that entry equates to Dexpot running, it would allow for a whole new category of Dock Items to be created and used - Dock Items that cover all the Dexpot command line parameters plus any others that Dexpot's developers wish to add. I would suggest that the Registry entry be the Window Handle for Dexpot's "main" Window (or set to zero if Dexpot is not running). When our user clicks on a Dock Item, to switch Dexpot's active Desktop, Circle Dock simply does a SendMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEXPOT_SWITCHDESKTOP, 1) (again, in the case the user wants to switch to the first desktop).

This closer integration with Dexpot will make for a more pleasing user experience as the commands will be executed with considerably less processing time and thus be (almost) immediate.

By the same token, Circle Dock will need to be informed of certain Dexpot changes and these include: when Dexpot's active desktop changes (preferably with the new Desktop number) and also when Dexpot is about to close and has started. I suggest that in such cases, Dexpot broadcasts messages such as this: SendMessage(0xffff, DEXPOT_SWITCHINGDESKTOP, 2) (note the difference from above!) and SendMessage(0xffff, DEXPOT_CLOSING, 0) and SendMessage(0xffff, DEXPOT_ACTIVE, {CurrentActiveDesktopNumber}). The last of these messages (DEXPOT_ACTIVE) would be very useful in cases where Dexpot is loaded after Circle Dock. Also, the SWITCHINGDESKTOP message should be cancellable since there may be instances where Circle Dock (or RainMeter) is displaying a dialog and switching desktops is not desirable.

If this schema is accepted and codified, I can then add an additional field to the Dock Items' records whereby the user can specify whether individual Dock Items should be visible for all Dexpot desktops or only certain desktops (by number). This would permit the user to categorize his desktops by task-type and only see those Dock Items that relate directly to the task-type: eg Internet, Office tasks, development, etc., etc.

Food for thought.


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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby Patrick » 13.06.2010 16:04:02

Hi Mark, :dex:

CircleDock wrote:From my perspective, as Circle Dock's principal developer, I am quite happy to have any interaction between Circle Dock and Dexpot in the form of Windows messages.

are you sure you didn't just let the Sarge talk you into it? :D No, we would of course appreciate a collaboration between our two project, and we'd be happy to provide all the assistance needed to make this work.

Let's take a simple example, switching Dexpot's active desktop. The Sarge envisages a Dock Item whose target would be the Dexpot executable with the command line parameter "-w 1" (in the case of switching to the first desktop). This actually gives Circle Dock - and Windows - quite some processing to do as Circle Dock has to create and fill a new process structure and then tell Windows to start the process.

While I think that in the case of switching desktops, creating a new process is an acceptable overhead, in general your are right, of course. Which is why we also have a window message based interface for communicating with third-party applications. In fact, it seems that nearly everything required for the interaction you've described is already in place. Let's see...

Circle Dock would check for a Registry entry (that Dexpot sets when it is loaded and running)

FindWindow("ThunderRT6FormDC", "Dexpot - Main Menu")

When our user clicks on a Dock Item, to switch Dexpot's active Desktop, Circle Dock simply does a SendMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEXPOT_SWITCHDESKTOP, 1)

SendNotifyMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEX_SWITCHDESKTOP, 0, 1) where 1 is the number of the desktop to switch to.

By the same token, Circle Dock will need to be informed of certain Dexpot changes and these include: when Dexpot's active desktop changes (preferably with the new Desktop number) and also when Dexpot is about to close and has started. I suggest that in such cases, Dexpot broadcasts messages

We do not currently broadcast messages, but you can pass in a window handle and Dexpot will send event notifications to this window: SendMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEX_REGISTERPLUGIN, 0, YourWindowHandle)
"YourWindow" will then receive the following messages:

    For all three, the low-word of the LPARAM value is the number of the desktop being left and the high-word is the number of the desktop being switched to. DEX_SWITCHREQUEST is sent before the switch starts. Have your WindowProc return DEX_SWITCH_DONTSWITCH in order to cancel the switch. But please only do this when it's really necessary and obvious to the user. DEX_SWITCHING is sent before the switch starts, but when it can no longer be blocked. DEX_SWITCHED is sent after the switch has finished.

    This message is sent when Dexpot is closing.

    This message is sent when the number of virtual desktops has changed. The WPARAM value contains the new number of desktops. To get the number of desktops at any time, use SendMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEX_GETDESKTOPCOUNT, 0, 0).
The various DEX_* values are defined in the constants.h header of our plugin SDK.

The last of these messages (DEXPOT_ACTIVE) would be very useful in cases where Dexpot is loaded after Circle Dock.

This one is currently missing. But I agree, it would be really useful to have this as a broadcast. We'll definitely implement it.

If this schema is accepted and codified, I can then add an additional field to the Dock Items' records whereby the user can specify whether individual Dock Items should be visible for all Dexpot desktops or only certain desktops (by number). This would permit the user to categorize his desktops by task-type and only see those Dock Items that relate directly to the task-type: eg Internet, Office tasks, development, etc., etc.

Awesome. Let me know if the stuff detailed above works for you, and if you need access to any other information/features from Dexpot.

Now off to get some actual food...

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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby sgtevmckay » 13.06.2010 20:19:05

Patrick wrote:are you sure you didn't just let the Sarge talk you into it? :D No

Hey; its part of my job :oops:

Also you may be interested in the following...which is way ahead of what I just dropped into Markham's lap :P
It will have to be re-written when all the updates are made, but that's all right ;)

Having fun making useful tools, is the most important part of all this :D

I do want to thank all of you for the additional issues I impose, but hopefully to the benefit of all (nod)

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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby CircleDock » 14.06.2010 01:23:42

Patrick wrote:Hi Mark, :dex:

CircleDock wrote:From my perspective, as Circle Dock's principal developer, I am quite happy to have any interaction between Circle Dock and Dexpot in the form of Windows messages.

are you sure you didn't just let the Sarge talk you into it? :D

Well, umm, not quite! He has been known to issue me with surprise challenges from time to time and he has been quiet on that front of late, so I was expecting it.

No, we would of course appreciate a collaboration between our two project, and we'd be happy to provide all the assistance needed to make this work.

That's fantastic! I am all in favour of collaboration as I truly believe we produce products that naturally compliment one another. We are in the process of having a new web site designed and I will ensure that Dexpot is featured strongly.

While I think that in the case of switching desktops, creating a new process is an acceptable overhead

Circle Dock is a dotNet application and I produce both 64-bit and 32-bit versions whilst it appears that Dexpot is 32-bit(?). Both the Sarge and I have noted that executing a 32-bit program from 64-bit Circle Dock is noticeably slower than if the same program is executed by Circle Dock running on a 32-bit platform. Possibly the fact that 64-bit Windows needs to create a new 32-bit VM is to blame here. So a system using messaging is far better, IMO.

We do not currently broadcast messages, but you can pass in a window handle and Dexpot will send event notifications to this window: SendMessage(DexpotMainHandle, DEX_REGISTERPLUGIN, 0, YourWindowHandle)

That's great, but you may wish to partner that with an UNREGISTERPLUGIN should the user decide to close Circle Dock. Furthermore, there will be occasions when Circle Dock will automatically restart itself - in which case it will almost certainly have a new Window Handle. Currently, Circle Dock forces a restart when there's a change of UI language or if it's Z-Order placement is to be changed to/from "bottom-most".

Have your WindowProc return DEX_DONTSWITCH in order to cancel the switch. But please only do this when it's really necessary and obvious to the user.

Indeed. Active Desktop switching would only be cancelled in cases where Circle Dock is showing a dialog - which may or not be modal.
The last of these messages (DEXPOT_ACTIVE) would be very useful in cases where Dexpot is loaded after Circle Dock.

This one is currently missing. But I agree, it would be really useful to have this as a broadcast. We'll definitely implement it.

Yes please!

Let me know if the stuff detailed above works for you, and if you need access to any other information/features from Dexpot.

Many thanks, Patrick, I will begin work on this and will probably have an alpha of the next version ready by the end of the week. It is only once I get going with the implementation that I will discover whether there's anything missing. I'd be happy to include menu options to display your various dialogs if these can also be summoned by Windows Messages.

There is one area of overlap, I notice, and that's the setting of the Desktop Wallpaper. Circle Dock provides the ability to set the Wallpaper to a user-defined image whilst it is loaded - and to revert to whatever Windows was using beforehand, when Circle Dock is closed. This will interfere with your settings, which are on a per virtual desktop basis, so I think it's best if I disable this facility (in Circle Dock) if Dexpot is loaded before Circle Dock - and not to change the image back to the original should Dexpot still be active when Circle Dock is dismissed.

Please let me know the new Message value(s).


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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby newsposter » 14.06.2010 05:20:24

for the record, I am uncomfortable with the complex 'validation' process used at donationcoder as are many on other web boards. Dexpot is remarkably simple and honest in how it treats registered and unregistered users.

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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby sgtevmckay » 14.06.2010 09:04:59

Take heart then friend.

Circle Dock is supported via the forums, but is an independent program.
Circle Dock was originally entered as a Donationcoder NANY project, by Eric Wong (VideoInPicture), and is now maintained by myself and Markham (as the primary programmer).
Beyond my support of the forums, and the space that Mouser (Donationcoder originator) allows for us.
Circle Dock is autonomous.

We produce the code
We maintain a primary website
Support is offered via the forums

Circle Dock is free to all and donation supported (when we get them :wink: )
There is no "Validation" process associated with our software.

Quite simply; What you see is what you get, no strings attached (nod)

I welcome you to ask any questions that you may have regarding your concerns.
I also invite you to download and use Circle Dock for yourself
And if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask at the Circle Dock support forums.

Circle Dock Home

Support Forum

I would also encourage you to take some time and experience the community. It is honest and worthy.
I built the Rainmeter Community on a mixture of my experiences with Donationcoder forums and the Ubuntu forums. I think you would agree that there is no wrong doing being committed in these venues.
Albeit; some software does encourage a donation (ie. the Donationware concept)
Circle Dock does not subscribe to the Donationware "Validation" by choice.

Please see for yourself, and return with any questions you may have

The Sarge

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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby Patrick » 14.06.2010 20:44:08

CircleDock wrote:We are in the process of having a new web site designed and I will ensure that Dexpot is featured strongly.

Thanks, we'll put up a link to Circle Dock in return.

That's great, but you may wish to partner that with an UNREGISTERPLUGIN should the user decide to close Circle Dock.

There actually is a DEX_UNREGISTERPLUGIN, but it won't work here. Dexpot notices when a registered window is destroyed and will stop sending messages automatically, so you don't have to worry about this when Circle Dock is closed. However, you can still do a SendNotifyMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_UNREGISTERPLUGIN, 0, YourWindowHandle). The current version of Dexpot will ignore it, future version will perform the unregistering.

I'd be happy to include menu options to display your various dialogs if these can also be summoned by Windows Messages.

Sure, anything that can be achieved by command line also has a corresponding window message. SendNotifyMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_DEXPOTCOMMAND, Command, 0) where Command is one of the following:

If you ever want to make a window sticky, i.e. be visible on all desktops, you can use SendMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_SETSWITCHINGEXCEPTION, SomeWindowHandle, DEX_EXCEPTION_STICKY). To unstickify, send DEX_EXCEPTION_UNKNOWN.

There is one area of overlap, I notice, and that's the setting of the Desktop Wallpaper. Circle Dock provides the ability to set the Wallpaper to a user-defined image whilst it is loaded - and to revert to whatever Windows was using beforehand, when Circle Dock is closed. This will interfere with your settings, which are on a per virtual desktop basis, so I think it's best if I disable this facility (in Circle Dock) if Dexpot is loaded before Circle Dock - and not to change the image back to the original should Dexpot still be active when Circle Dock is dismissed.

Why not just let the users figure out not to use that particular feature of Circle Dock in combination with Dexpot's wallpaper customization? :wink:

Please let me know the new Message value(s).

The message broadcast after the start of Dexpot will be the return value of RegisterWindowMessage("DexpotStarted"). Everything else can be found in constants.h.

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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby sgtevmckay » 14.06.2010 21:10:08

Patrick wrote:Why not just let the users figure out not to use that particular feature of Circle Dock in combination with Dexpot's wallpaper customization? :wink:

Indeed (nod)

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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby CircleDock » 15.06.2010 12:31:00

Patrick wrote:
CircleDock wrote:We are in the process of having a new web site designed and I will ensure that Dexpot is featured strongly.

Thanks, we'll put up a link to Circle Dock in return.

That would be great, thanks.

That's great, but you may wish to partner that with an UNREGISTERPLUGIN should the user decide to close Circle Dock.

There actually is a DEX_UNREGISTERPLUGIN, but it won't work here. Dexpot notices when a registered window is destroyed and will stop sending messages automatically, so you don't have to worry about this when Circle Dock is closed. However, you can still do a SendNotifyMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_UNREGISTERPLUGIN, 0, YourWindowHandle). The current version of Dexpot will ignore it, future version will perform the unregistering.

I'll get Circle Dock to send that message so that we are ready for your future version.

There is one area of overlap, I notice, and that's the setting of the Desktop Wallpaper. Circle Dock provides the ability to set the Wallpaper to a user-defined image whilst it is loaded - and to revert to whatever Windows was using beforehand, when Circle Dock is closed. This will interfere with your settings, which are on a per virtual desktop basis, so I think it's best if I disable this facility (in Circle Dock) if Dexpot is loaded before Circle Dock - and not to change the image back to the original should Dexpot still be active when Circle Dock is dismissed.

Why not just let the users figure out not to use that particular feature of Circle Dock in combination with Dexpot's wallpaper customization? :wink:

Well thank you for wishing to save me the bother of adding extra code. I see the Sarge agrees with your suggestion - so I'll remind him of that fact when our support forum is inundated with confused users. :D

Please let me know the new Message value(s).

The message broadcast after the start of Dexpot will be the return value of RegisterWindowMessage("DexpotStarted"). Everything else can be found in constants.h.
Excellent, thanks.

One small problem, though. Circle Dock may not necessarily be loaded at the same time as Dexpot and could well be loaded after it. The user could well have switched desktops before loading Circle Dock. Is there any way that Circle Dock can discover which desktop number is currently the active desktop? The reason I ask is, that the user can opt to have an icon of a monitor (or laptop) with a screen number in its centre as the Centre Button for Circle Dock (when Dexpot is running). It would be as well to make sure Circle Dock displays the correctly-numbered icon!


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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby Patrick » 15.06.2010 14:03:40

CircleDock wrote:Well thank you for wishing to save me the bother of adding extra code. I see the Sarge agrees with your suggestion - so I'll remind him of that fact when our support forum is inundated with confused users.

It's just that there are tons of other tools that also change the desktop wallpaper. You can't add a workaround for every single one, so why start now.

Is there any way that Circle Dock can discover which desktop number is currently the active desktop?

NumberOfCurrentlyActiveDesktop = SendMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_GETCURRENTDESKTOP, 0, 0)

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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby CircleDock » 16.06.2010 00:56:33

Patrick wrote:
CircleDock wrote:Well thank you for wishing to save me the bother of adding extra code. I see the Sarge agrees with your suggestion - so I'll remind him of that fact when our support forum is inundated with confused users.

It's just that there are tons of other tools that also change the desktop wallpaper. You can't add a workaround for every single one, so why start now.

That's true but I'm not adding code specifically to support those products' other features. I'll leave things as they are for now and only change the code should it become a problem.

Is there any way that Circle Dock can discover which desktop number is currently the active desktop?

NumberOfCurrentlyActiveDesktop = SendMessage(DexpotWindowHandle, DEX_GETCURRENTDESKTOP, 0, 0)

My bad. I really should read your SDK! :oops:


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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby CircleDock » 18.06.2010 12:06:19

Hi Patrick,

Patrick wrote:The message broadcast after the start of Dexpot will be the return value of RegisterWindowMessage("DexpotStarted").

I've completed almost all the message handling (messages sent by Dexpot) but am a tad confused by
DEX_LOAD and wondered if this is broadcast to signify Dexpot is loaded and active - or is this message used for some other purpose?


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Re: Rainmeter and Circle Dock Proposal

Postby Patrick » 18.06.2010 13:09:23

Hi, :dex:

I've completed the few things which were left to do on our side as well. But that was just five lines of code, I'm sure your part was a lot more work... :cool:

DEX_LOAD is only used with dedicated Dexpot plugins that are loaded through the Dexpot settings. You don't have to handle it. I don't think you will even receive the message at all.

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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 18.06.2010 13:46:09

The next Release of Circle Dock will fully-support Dexpot internally - there will be no need for users to create Dock Items in order to switch desktops or to summon a Dexpot menu.

As small set of Dexpot-specific options is included on Circle Dock's main settings dialog:
  • If Circle Dock is currently hidden, is it to be made visible after a Desktop switch? (If Circle Dock is visible prior to a switch, it will be visible after a switch.)
  • Should Circle Dock's Centre Button image reflect the current desktop number? (Three sets of numbered images are available: Desktop PC, Laptop and Monitor.)
  • Should Circle Dock veto desktop switching if Circle Dock has any dialogs visible?
More options may be added (probably at the Sarge's 'request' :lol: ).

If Dexpot is not currently active, the user won't notice anything new regarding Dexpot support, all will be hidden.

Apart from desktop switching and the ability to summon Dexpot dialogs and extra windows, Circle Dock will not act as a controller, though this may change in response to user requests.


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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby Patrick » 18.06.2010 23:58:28

Awesome. Do you know when the new version will be released? I'd love to try it. We can also push a new Dexpot 1.5.x release with the plugin system modifications then.

CircleDock wrote:Apart from desktop switching and the ability to summon Dexpot dialogs and extra windows, Circle Dock will not act as a controller, though this may change in response to user requests.

Controller? :hö:

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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 19.06.2010 12:35:07

Patrick wrote:Awesome. Do you know when the new version will be released? I'd love to try it. We can also push a new Dexpot 1.5.x release with the plugin system modifications then.

I'm in the process of finishing-off writing the code - somewhat more than your four or five lines! Once that's working, my colleague in Berlin gets to play and do his level best to break it. I should be in a position to let you have a beta of our next release in a couple of weeks or so. I am in no special hurry to release to the masses, preferring to wait until it's ready.

If you're going to be releasing a new version about the same time, then it might be a rather good idea for me to have access to your betas in case I (or you!) need to make some "adjustments". :)

CircleDock wrote:Apart from desktop switching and the ability to summon Dexpot dialogs and extra windows, Circle Dock will not act as a controller, though this may change in response to user requests.

Controller? :hö:

What I mean by "controller" is that Circle Dock will not attempt to make any changes to Dexpot's various options and settings. However, given that Circle Dock is translated into some 55+ languages, it is possible we will be asked to assist in that regard by, for example, our Urdu-speaking users. But nothing in that regard will be done without prior discussion with and approval from yourselves.


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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby Patrick » 22.06.2010 19:27:22

Hi, :dex:

CircleDock wrote:If you're going to be releasing a new version about the same time, then it might be a rather good idea for me to have access to your betas in case I (or you!) need to make some "adjustments".

sure thing. Here are some instructions on how to get the latest Dexpot beta.

What I mean by "controller" is that Circle Dock will not attempt to make any changes to Dexpot's various options and settings. However, given that Circle Dock is translated into some 55+ languages, it is possible we will be asked to assist in that regard by, for example, our Urdu-speaking users.

Wow, that's a rather impressive number of localizations. But unless you also offer "customer support" in any of those languages, that are not supported by Dexpot, I don't see how this is supposed to be a problem.

But nothing in that regard will be done without prior discussion with and approval from yourselves.

Well, it's not really feasible at the moment anyway, apart from closing Dexpot, manipulating its data in the registry, and restarting Dexpot. :wink:

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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 23.06.2010 11:43:24

Patrick wrote:Hi, :dex:

CircleDock wrote:If you're going to be releasing a new version about the same time, then it might be a rather good idea for me to have access to your betas in case I (or you!) need to make some "adjustments".

sure thing. Here are some instructions on how to get the latest Dexpot beta.

Many thanks, Patrick!

But nothing in that regard will be done without prior discussion with and approval from yourselves.

Well, it's not really feasible at the moment anyway, apart from closing Dexpot, manipulating its data in the registry, and restarting Dexpot. :wink:

Ah, so messages including DEX_SETOPTION are "reserved for future expansion" :).


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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 05.07.2010 11:38:32

Circle Dock integration is now complete. However, I have decided that Circle Dock will not include any special abilities to control Dexpot of itself. Users can, if they wish, add Dock Items to switch between Desktops or to summon a Dexpot dialog.

There is no good reason to do so: it's much quicker to use an Alt+n key combination or use SevenDex or Dexpot's own System Tray icon - which also summons the various dialogs and secondary windows.

However I'm sure The Sarge is sharpening his pencil and will write 99 good reasons why Circle Dock should be able to control Dexpot :D.

A beta will be available shortly.


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Re: Circle Dock integration

Postby CircleDock » 07.07.2010 12:50:21

As a picture paints a thousand words, here are some screenshots:


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