Taskbar doesn't automatically refresh between desktops

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Taskbar doesn't automatically refresh between desktops

Postby Jesse » 01.04.2008 23:51:38

Guten Tag,

I find that when I switch between desktops, the programs listed in the taskbar do not refresh automatically. Grabbing and jiggling a taskbar divider line will make them refresh. Any solutions? I run Windows XP pro.



Postby Jesse » 03.04.2008 21:25:54

Oh, well. Just discovered it's because I'm running TransBar. Turn off Transbar, taskbar changes between desktops.

Can anyone recommend a taskbar transparency utility that's compatible with Dexpot?

Fielen Dank

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Postby Nebel » 03.04.2008 21:35:48


Dexpot itself :)
You can create a rule, and choose the transparency value of a Window. Works also with the Taskbar. Use the assistant and as Condition you choose "Window class".

Should work under XP.

Schöne Grüße


Dexpot Rule Doesn't Solve Problem

Postby Jesse » 04.04.2008 17:44:53

Thanks you for the suggestion, Nebel, but while the rule does indeed work, it causes the same problem of taskbar listings not refreshing between desktops.

I'm now trying various taskbar transparency utilites, but with no luck. Seems to be a built-in sensitivity with Dexpot.

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