My favorite Linux features in dexpot

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Joined: 16.11.2006 00:30:12

My favorite Linux features in dexpot

Postby lmatter » 16.11.2006 00:48:47

I recently had to switch my desktop machine at work from Linux to Windows. Dexpot has really eased this transition for me (thanks!), but there are still some features from Linux I really miss and would humbly request you consider them for future versions:

1) Scrolling between desktops with the mousewheel (when cursor is in the root window). I don't want to use the "mouse switch" because it is too much hand movement (I switch desktops a lot).
2) Remembering desktop, location and size of an app based on window title, with awareness of multiple monitors.
3) Scalable backgounds - I used this to stretch a picture accross multiple monitors, or have the picture repeated on each monitor. I can already have different backgrounds on each desktop which is nice.

The first two are the ones I miss the most.


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