Switching desktops with mouse wheel

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Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby trastornau » 12.11.2008 00:08:40


Thanks a lot for this jewel program. I have been a Linux user for years, but I use XP at work, and Dexpot is a great piece of kit. One thing that some Window Managers in Linux implement is the switching desktops with the mouse wheel, either rolling the wheel on the wallpaper or in the despktop preview window. That is, move up, cycle left the desktops, move down, cycle right the desktops. This will be a nice extra goodie to have.

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby Sebastian » 13.11.2008 19:49:24


mouse switching works when Desktop Manager window is active (and the option "switch with mouse wheel" is enabled).
Best regards (wave)
Sebastian Brands, Dexpot GbR


Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby mattias » 11.01.2009 23:07:50

Hey Sebastian,
I know about the Desktop Manager window, but I do try to avoid it (as it is permanent on your screen)..

It would be fantastic if the mouse scrolling would work on the systray icon though..! :)
Could that be possible?

Thanks for the great desktop manager,

Ben Hill

Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby Ben Hill » 15.01.2009 18:06:05

I don't know if you have used Autohotkey, a very powerful free utility for controlling windows, but with it installed, I can use the mouse scroll to change desktops.

I have my Dexpot shortcuts set to Win+right and Win+left to move to the next or previous desktop. Then use the following.


Save this text file with the extension .ahk When the file is activated (double-click), Win+scroll up moves to the next desktop and Win+scroll down moves to the previous desktop.

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby champagne_charly » 01.02.2009 13:17:42

Great way around.. shame it couldnt be sorted in Dexpot directly.. for me it worked sometimes and others not even with the manager on.. Was wierd and frustrating and is such an important feature (at least to me).

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby traycerb » 23.09.2010 00:40:29

Building off Ben Hill's solution, and with a little (a lot actually) of help from some people at the autohotkey forums, I was able to get this to work as I wanted. First set up the Win+R and Win+L shortcuts in dexpot as previously described, and then install autohotkey and use one of the following scripts. The Win button will no longer be needed; only scroll and mouseover of the relevant space.

This first ahk script allows mouse scroll between desktops when the mouse is on the Desktop Preview box:

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

#IfWinActive ahk_class (ThunderRT6FormDC)

This second script allows mouse scroll between desktops when the mouse is not focused on a program (either over the taskbar or the desktop):

SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

#IfWinActive ahk_class (Progman|Shell_TrayWnd)

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby Patrick » 23.09.2010 15:51:02

traycerb wrote:This first ahk script allows mouse scroll between desktops when the mouse is on the Desktop Preview box

This one might have unintended consequences as the class "ThunderRT6FormDC" is used by all Dexpot windows (by all windows of most VB6 apps, to be exact).

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby traycerb » 24.09.2010 11:14:36

thanks for the heads up. wasn't aware of that. i don't think this feature is on your roadmap though, so unless i encounter too many problems (haven't had any issues so far) i'll probably stick with it.

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby Patrick » 24.09.2010 22:25:32

traycerb wrote:i don't think this feature is on your roadmap though

Would you like us to add it? The roadmap won't mind. :wink:

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Re: Switching desktops with mouse wheel

Postby traycerb » 25.09.2010 02:38:08

I promise not to complain if you add the feature :wink: Seriously, it would be great. At the same time I understand you probably already have lots of things to implement and you're all probably busy with other things besides. That said, if you have the time and it's easy to implement, maybe consider it for a future release...

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