Desktop specific SuperBar pinning (win7)

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Joined: 27.03.2012 03:39:33

Desktop specific SuperBar pinning (win7)

Postby munkywrench86 » 27.03.2012 04:01:11

I would like to have a seperate tool set for each workspace.
Ie. a Superbar that has some programs pinned for ALL desktops, and some only pinned for a specific desktop.

For example:
windows explorer, iexplore pinned for all.
solidworks pinned on desktop 1 after the 'all' items.
photoshop pinned on desktop 2 after the 'all' items. (solidworks not pinned at all on this desktop).

The motivation:

I often arranged my workspaces in Fedora Linux as some thing like this:

1: email and file manager
2: browser /reference material
3: code window
4: terminal, terminal, something else.

So rather than using one workspace for a specific role, i was using all workspaces for..well.. more workspace. But the idea still works if you use each workspace for a specific task.

Currently I work in a more general purpose role.

I have to code, mcad, ecad, etc... more different tasks than the layout above.
The result is my superbar is stuffed full of solidworks suite, adobe suite, visual studio and coding tools, putty, etc etc etc.

Being able to make the superbar more desktop specific would be great.
I could use it the way I was using it under fedora, or I could have each workspace tailored to one of the roles (eg. ecad).

As a side benefit a more focused workspace could even help reduce distractions.

Dexpot is great. :shock:

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