Fully interactive Full-screen "preview"

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Fully interactive Full-screen "preview"

Postby ZippoLag » 17.08.2012 08:30:32


First things first, I've discovered this app about 4 hours ago (~11pm) and I've found myself trapped toying with it, customizing, tweaking and what not. I absolutely love this "little" software you guys have put toghether and, along with "Launchy" and "WinSplit Revolution" it has made my life a lot easier already (or at least I think it will ;)

Anyway, before finding this progam of yours I soared the interwebs trying to find any sort of "virtual screen/monitor video driver emulator", without any luck (this of course is due to my lack of funds for acquiring a second monitor and yet wanting the benefits that would come with one, trying to split the screen into different rendering ports, or something along those lines). I would use such a feature for coding and/or gaming mostly. I believe several users of yours have bumped into your app just like myself trying to find an implmentation of such a feature, and while I have seen many programs that claim to do this, they all fake the functionality simply by forcing a re-arrangement of windows, wich is useless if you want to run several applications in full-screen, each on their own monitor.

Surprisingly enough, even thought your app doesn't claim to have nor has such a feature, it's "Full-screen preview" mode comes astonishingly close, all you'd have to do is "simply" make the desktops interactive (rather than the "limited" functionality of dragging/closing windows and zooming on desktops).

I know it'd be quite possibly a pain in the ass to implement, and I love what you have done so far, but hell, if you are wondering what your userbase wants for future releases, I think this is it! :lol:

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Joined: 17.08.2012 08:31:46

Re: Fully interactive Full-screen "preview"

Postby ZippoLag » 17.08.2012 16:57:15

Well, since I've already come this far, I was thinking even that feature could be extended:

You could call the current "zooming" (with the mouse middle button) "rezising" (even tho the real resolution of each desktop would be preserved, you'd be just changing the size of these "views") allowing either free-scaling or enforced aspect-ratio maintaining, and allow both fully manual and grid based repositioning of the views. What the hell, you could throw in real "zooming and panning" capabilities for each view as well :lol:

The basic idea is being able to make up a composite screen with the output of each desktop as if they were (virtual) monitors rearrangeable at will, for wahtever particular need you could have, and then use it feeling more productive and geeky (of course, you could only have one active desktop at a time, to which your input would be bounded until a certain key shortcut is pressed, but as you work in one desktop you coud truly see what's going on in the others -clearly enough to read text from them- and switch if needed). Options for having different compositions (shall we call them "workspaces"?) between the which you could switch would be neat.

Thinking of it, I'm basically wanting to do everything I can do with windows (or perhaps even more) with the different views of the fullscreen preview. Of course, that would be the logical stop point (and not keep extending functionality to view/interact with groups of groups of displays, ad infinitum).

I'll just go now and come back in a few years to see if you've implemented this (?) :P

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