Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

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Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

Postby suggestiondude » 12.03.2013 01:02:11

I use the "Quick Launch" toolbar on my Windows 7 setup, and it would be immensely useful to allow a different set of Quick Launch icons for each virtual desktop.

For example, if I have "personal" and "work" desktops I'd clearly want different programs in the Quick Launch bar for each of those.

I believe this software supports it: http://www.chimera.hu/virtual_desktop/

Thank you!


Re: Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

Postby MimKoRn » 03.07.2013 22:02:57

I totally agree. I love this software, stumbled upon it just recently and highly customized it, but I totally lack the ability to have different quick launch icons for each desktop. Work destkop should not conttain uTorrent and play desktop should not contain netbeans nor visual paradigm.

Posts: 9
Joined: 07.07.2013 14:54:14

Re: Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

Postby SomeoneSuperior » 07.07.2013 15:36:23

I agree, that's a feature i'd really like to see added in dexpot.

Posts: 10
Joined: 16.12.2020 09:59:46

Re: Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

Postby Renault DEMANGER » 22.12.2020 08:58:49

I subscribe also to this suggestion.
But, based on date of original suggestion, not sure that the DEXPOT gurus are able (or interested) to implement this.

Posts: 13
Joined: 23.07.2012 06:40:26

Re: Different "Quick Launch" icons for each virtual desktop

Postby SuperGuestUser001 » 25.11.2024 13:05:53

I also agree with this suggestion. It would be really helpful to have different Quick Launch icons for each virtual desktop.

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