new features??

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Posts: 3
Joined: 24.08.2007 10:38:19

new features??

Postby eagle81 » 24.08.2007 10:55:37

Hello everybody!!

I've discover this soft recently, and i'm so glad to find a virtual desktop that work on windows!!!

Since we are waiting for a version on windows while on linux it work for 10 years soon!!!

so congratulations to develloppers for them beautiful work!!!

but I want to know if an option for slide wallpaper on each desktop is envisaged for future version..same as linux distribution??

P.S. : sorry for my english it could be a little bit not very exact!!

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Re: new features??

Postby Nebel » 24.08.2007 12:36:28

Hi :dex:
eagle81 wrote:but I want to know if an option for slide wallpaper on each desktop is envisaged for future version..same as linux distribution??

You can set different wallpaper for each desktop under 'Configure Desktops'

You mean you'd like something like a wallpaper changer for each desktop? It was discussed several times but I don't know if it is planned to be implemented in a further version. Developers, what's the status of this feature?

Schöne Grüße

Posts: 3
Joined: 24.08.2007 10:38:19

multiple wallpaper in each desktop

Postby eagle81 » 24.08.2007 14:46:13

Yes You've understand well on all distribution linux, on kde for sure we have the possibility to have multiple wallpaper on each desktop with rules for time to display them.

I don't know if this project is planned or not but i think it could be interesting and cool to add to the soft!! what's why i ask it!!! :wink:

I hope so devellopers could help us to answer!!

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