Minimize All - Keyboard shortcut + "memory" changing desktop

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Beta Tester
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Minimize All - Keyboard shortcut + "memory" changing desktop

Postby dougnukem » 21.09.2012 21:14:37


Love the idea of "minimize all" ... which allow more flexibility than "show desktop" .


Features and corrections that would be great :

1- Add a keyboard shortcut for "minimize all"

2- The possibility to minimize all BUT a window that you would click on (and move) and with which you activate the function ( the same thing with a keyboard function would be great"

3- There's a problem, when you minimize all and change to another desktop, if you come back to the desktop, you can't bring back the windows

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Re: Minimize All - Keyboard shortcut + "memory" changing des

Postby Patrick » 22.09.2012 13:35:19


dougnukem wrote:1- Add a keyboard shortcut for "minimize all"

Win+M to minimize all and Shift+Win+M to undo. It's a really old Windows feature...

2- The possibility to minimize all BUT a window that you would click on (and move) and with which you activate the function ( the same thing with a keyboard function would be great"

Do you have Windows 7? Try Aero Shake.

3- There's a problem, when you minimize all and change to another desktop, if you come back to the desktop, you can't bring back the windows

You mean you can't bring them back using the hot corner, right? They can still be restored manually?

Beta Tester
Posts: 2
Joined: 27.06.2011 16:45:46

Re: Minimize All - Keyboard shortcut + "memory" changing des

Postby dougnukem » 25.09.2012 23:12:13


- For 1 :
I did knew the WIN+M ... but was unaware of SHIFT+WIN+M ... my bad.

- For 2 : (the idea is more of a function like "hide all but" and "bring back all")

I know of the aero shake, but never found this feature very useful because let's say you :

- aero shake
- open "my computer" or an excel worksheet
- you need to manually bring back all the other windows ...

- For 3 :

What I meant was when you "minimize" and then switch from desktop 1 to 4, and then comeback to 1 ; "minimize" won't bring back all the windows ... but since it's a windows feature, it might explain why.

Have a nice day

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