DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

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DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby raad » 10.10.2012 12:13:06

Dexpot is a fantastic product, and I think the wallpaper clock integration in Dexpot is brilliant!

One feature request I would love to see is the ability to rotate the wallpaper clock on a timed basis, so for example you could switch to a different wallpaper clock every hour/4 hours/day/etc.
Yes, the interaction with the desktop customisation is potentially complicated, but I would be happy with having the same wallpaper clock on every desktop if the "rotate on a timer" option was applied - otherwise the normal (existing) options would apply (i.e. the option for a different wallpaper clock for each desktop).

If that's too difficult/complicated, perhaps amend the DexClock /Wallpaper Clock plugin executable to accept a "wallpaper clock" filename parameter - that way people could use a task scheduler and do the switching themselves.



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Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby Patrick » 10.10.2012 12:39:22


raad wrote:If that's too difficult/complicated, perhaps amend the DexClock /Wallpaper Clock plugin executable to accept a "wallpaper clock" filename parameter - that way people could use a task scheduler and do the switching themselves.

Dexclock already does.

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Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby raad » 10.10.2012 12:49:48

Hi Patrick

That's great, but what are the usage parameters?
I tried running:

Code: Select all

"Wallpaper Clock.exe" c:\downloads\pianist1440x900.wcz

but that's obviously wrong, as it does nothing. Just running "Wallpaper Clock.exe" doesn't give any usage details.



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Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby Patrick » 10.10.2012 13:03:08

Exactly like that, but with Dexclock.exe (the standalone application, not the Dexpot plugin).

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Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby raad » 10.10.2012 13:25:11

Aha! Smashing, it works.
Now I just need to write a shell script to do a random selection and apply it.

Is there any reason why this is not an option with the Dexpot Wallpaper Clock plugin?



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Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby weitongkiko » 21.02.2013 03:41:14

I was particularly attracted to - the possibility to every desktop siting different folders. And the fact that the program remembers the spatial arrangement of the different folders.

Because each desktop for me - it's a project. Very convenient and comfortable to do.


Re: DexClock/Wallpaper Clock Plugin

Postby awinston » 15.08.2013 00:42:50

Is it possible to have the dexclock plugin run a clock wallpaper on just one of my two monitors?

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