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Using the Chrome browser's profile shortcuts in Dexpot

Posted: 10.03.2017 20:11:41
by snowshed
Windows 8

We have a general use computer at work where each of the 4 employees have a Chrome shortcut that opens the browser using their profile.

I have created a desktop for each employee.

What I would like to do is have the shortcut open Chrome in the correct desktop. IOW, the shortcut for Fred opens his Chrome in his desktop, the shortcut for Sue opens her Chrome in her desktop, etc.

I thought there might be a way to do this with Assign applications, but I don't see a way to do it there.

Can this be done? If so, how?

Note: I am not a Chrome user, I prefer Firefox. So naturally, I have Firefox opening in my desktop. :wink:

Re: Using the Chrome browser's profile shortcuts in Dexpot

Posted: 12.04.2017 14:25:25
by Sebastian

you might want to use 'Desktop Rules' with a rule regarding the windows' titles.

Re: Using the Chrome browser's profile shortcuts in Dexpot

Posted: 18.08.2020 18:00:57
by windowsfan001
Did this work for you? Still having the same issue with Chrome stable 84